API 1.0 / Orders

PATCH /orders/:identifier/request

Request an order

This method has the URL https://api.toptranslation.com/v1/orders/:identifier/request and requests the order.

Requesting an order

With requesting the order, the order will be sent to Toptranslation, that will set the order number in return. Based on your requirements and preferred workflow Toptranslation will provide you with a quote that you may accept or it will start processing the order based on the conditions in your frame contract with Toptranslation if you agreed to do so.

Required arguments

Token to authenticate a user.
Unique identifier of the order.


Returns an order object.

  meta: {
    status: 20x
  data: {
    identifier: '83jdskjdkfj29djskfj',
    reference: 'User manual translation 2015',
    progress_in_percent: 78,
    state: 'processing',
    comment: 'A comment from the user',
    created_at: '2015-12-29 12:23:45',
    requested_at: '2015-12-30 09:56:12',
    ordered_at: '2015-12-30 09:58:33',
    estimated_delivery_date: '2015-12-31',
    name: 'User given name of the order',
    order_number: 'P201509474738',
    assigned_employee: {
      identifier: 'f4d56f156s',
      first_name: 'John',
      last_name: 'Doe',
      locale_code: 'de_DE',
      gender: 'male',
      email: 'test@example.com'
    creator: {
      identifier: 'f4d56f156s',
      first_name: 'John',
      last_name: 'Doe',
      locale: {
        code: 'de_DE',
        name: 'German',
        tag_list: ''
      gender: 'male',
      email: 'test@example.com'
    cost_center: {
      identifier: '83jdskjdkfj29djskfj',
      name: 'Marketing',
      created_at: '2015-12-29 12:23:45'


403 - User not authenticated
User is not allowed to access the resource or execute the method.
404 - Order not found
Order was not found or is not shared with user
406 - Order can't get requested
Order can't get requested, possibly because it was requested before.