API 1.0 / Orders

GET /orders/:identifier

Show an order

This method has the URL https://api.toptranslation.com/v1/orders/:identifier and returns an order of the user.

Required arguments

Token to authenticate a user
Part of URL of the request. Unique identifier of the order


Returns an order object.

  meta: {
    status: 20x
  data: {
    identifier: '83jdskjdkfj29djskfj',
    reference: 'User manual translation 2015',
    progress_in_percent: 78,
    state: 'processing',
    comment: 'A comment from the user',
    created_at: '2015-12-29 12:23:45',
    requested_at: '2015-12-30 09:56:12',
    ordered_at: '2015-12-30 09:58:33',
    estimated_delivery_date: '2015-12-31',
    name: 'User given name of the order',
    order_number: 'P201509474738',
    assigned_employee: {
      identifier: 'f4d56f156s',
      first_name: 'John',
      last_name: 'Doe',
      locale_code: 'de_DE',
      gender: 'male',
      email: 'test@example.com'
    creator: {
      identifier: 'f4d56f156s',
      first_name: 'John',
      last_name: 'Doe',
      locale: {
        code: 'de_DE',
        name: 'German',
        tag_list: ''
      gender: 'male',
      email: 'test@example.com'
    cost_center: {
      identifier: '83jdskjdkfj29djskfj',
      name: 'Marketing',
      created_at: '2015-12-29 12:23:45'


403 - User not authenticated
User is not allowed to access the resource or execute the method.
404 - Order not found
Order was not found or is not shared with user.